Thursday 9 July 2015

Ch Ch Ch Changes

For the last 8 years I have been driving one hour and a bit to get to work every day. Barring the first 2.5 years when I was working on my thesis, my position has been a "soft money" position. Meaning that I could work so long as the company, then center, continued to win projects and receive funding to keep up the staff. This resulted in a number of times not knowing if I would be employed in two months. Then one month. Then at the end of the week.

Thus far, things have always worked out, but it has always been in my mind to get a more stable position, and hopefully one closer to home. That day has come. And with it, a different schedule that will see me with less time for home projects and gaming during the summer. And, with that, less time to write and less material to write about.

However, winter will hopefully see increases in those areas. So this might be my last post for a while (most likely).

I convinced my wife to let us play Conspiracy for our most recent game night with our Hill Spring friend, Andrew. I think I liked the game more than they did. Three spies had their covers blown (can't help but think of it as assassinations). Andrew won the game with some clever pay-offs and patiently biding his time to make his move. He basically waited for me and Jenni to finish killing off enough spies that we used up all our pay-offs and couldn't challenge his moves.

We also played Master Labyrinth, a game I really like. I don't remember who won, I just remember it wasn't me. Not by a long shot. Jenni and Andrew both doubled my final score.

I feel like this entry looks sad, being so short and all. But, the winter could see more detailed reporting, which I think I am looking forward to almost as much as the potential gaming.

Man, I want to win a game some time! Later, all y'all!

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