Thursday, 16 July 2020

A small upgrade

My scratch modeled female warrior suffered a loss. One of my younger daughters took it to look at an it came back sans épée. Couldn't find it for a while, but by some miracle, the sword did show up. However, I never really felt the sword suited the sculpt and I had already decided to make a different one.

I'm currently in the midst of the summer busyness, so it has been a bit of time, but I finally got to work on the replacement. This time, I took a slightly different approach by forging a new sword from a bit of paperclip. That's right! Using a hammer, I flattened my paperclip stock to a near-scale blade width. It bent a little, like it wanted to be a sabre, but it wasn't too much and I moved on to filing.

First, filed out the bow, then a point. With a few more strokes, I more or less defined a central ridge on both sides. Next, I filed down the non-pointy side for a handle.

Filing done, the word was affixed to it's new user's hand. Once the glue dried enough for me to work on it, I built up a pommel and cross-guard with green stuff.

So here we are, ready again to prime!