Tuesday, 13 August 2019

A Little D&D

A neighbour and I have been trying for a while to do some gaming. I think he might have come to one of the game nights I was more or less in charge of planning a few years ago. Last year we considered trying Edge of Empire, but that didn't really go anywhere. This time, he got a group together to play Dungeons and Dragons and invited me to join.

He's played before, but this time he is trying his hand at DM for the game. As I have no clue how comfortable the players are with their names being published online, I will refer my neighbour as DM from now on.

I might have said before, I have never played D&D. There are two others in the group who are noobs like me, a father and son duo. I believe the DM's daughter and nephew, who are also joining, have played before. And there is possibly a sixth player whom I don't know anything about. In any future posts, I will refer to these people as their characters.

My character is a human ranger (so imaginative). The DM thought I was going to pick a wizard. I guess I tricked him!

He had some minis for us to use and I painted mine as soon as I could get the time. So here I post it now, all painted and ready for questing.

I tried a new idea I had for basing. Using my "circle cut from fake plastic rocks" I attempted to melt the figure base to my homemade one. It didn't work. What did work was melting the 'rock' base and moving the molten plastic into the figure base. Makes for an interesting sort of surface. I may do something to spruce it up, but I also kind of like it how it is. I should probably do some kind of wash to it. Maybe when he has a bit more experience under his belt...


Anyway, just wanted to post after so long a drought. Cheers!

Edit: In case some reader likes this guy, he's available at The Dragon's Lair in a 2-pack (here).