We've been on vacation for a few days and I brought a couple of games. So far we've played Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle twice. Both times was Game 4, which we hadn't tried yet.
The first game was me and Jenni playing with our two oldest kids. We put up quite a desperate-feeling fight. We lost the first location quite quickly. Then with the requirement to pick two Dark Arts cards per turn, the harder villains coming up early in the game, and all the characters getting stunned at least once each, those skull tokens just kept piling up! We ended the game defeated with five villains still in play or in the queue.
The second game was a complete opposite. It was kind of funny actually. With three of us playing Ron, Hermione, and Neville, we fell into much better luck!
We turned up Crab and Goyle right off the bat and the strategy became one of keeping them alive and keep defeating the stronger villains only, thus avoiding some of the tougher villain combos that can come up. The strategy worked as we only lost the first area about three rounds from the end. We finished the game with the defeat of the death eater, which boosted everyone's health back up to 10! So we were very happy to win and feeling like we can take on Game 5.