Saturday, 10 March 2018


Hi all!

Lately I'm only getting snippets of time to hobby here and there, and I'm not always taking them each time either. So, I've just a few random pics to show. Maybe interesting to you, maybe not...

Imperial Settlers

A friend left this game with me to learn for the next time we get together for games. It has a solo variant, which is what I tried. Did I play it right? I dunno. I did well enough with a score just over 50, which is a middling score, based on the ranking system found in the rule book. With a middling score, I'm reasonably convinced that I didn't cheat!

The game is a resource management card game with 4 factions: Barbarians, Romans, Egyptians, and Japanese. I played Romans. I like the solo scoring system to try and better your score when competing with yourself, but I really get the feeling that playing with human opponents will give a better gaming experience.

This game reminds me of a computer game my brothers used to play (I couldn't get into it for some reason). There are a number of similarities between the two. For one, the titles: Imperial Settlers vs. The Settlers. Second, the factions available to play in both games included Romans and Egyptians. Third, the guy on the box cover (see above), but the people depicted on the cards even more so, just look like the little guys who run around building and fighting in the computer game.

My final layout. The attacker deck just couldn't get the combinations needed to raze any of my buildings until the very end.
Oh! Not Zombies!

The next day, I tried out playing the zombie game with my son. His attention span couldn't hold out against the zombie onslaught and he quit during turn 2, which was shortly after I took this picture.
Early on, Mr. Eager Beaver there in the lead has already acquired 2 out of the three hits I assigned to player troops.
I changed a few things from the last time we did this, and my changes might make the game a little harder. The changes reflected how I remember the game Zombies! going when I played it that one time 12 years ago: adding tiles drawn from a stack as players move into those areas and adding zombies x d8 to the new tile laid. I also decreed that immobilized undead remained in the square they died in and the living can't pass through or land on them without risking infection. Maybe I'll try this again solo to see how well it works. I might make up new rules for zombie movement as well.

For anyone feeling down about their workspace:

I just wanted to take a random picture of my miniatures building/painting area. Yes, this is my entire workspace. It's portable (around the house anyway), has walls so it catches shavings and I don't lose bits from it. It's not bad. And yes, that's pretty much all the tools I use too.
My box of fun.
The knife I cut down from a dull, old paring knife. I found the dental pick on the road. The metal thing to the right of the dental pick is the remainder of a sawzall blade that I cut a chunk out of for a knife I built a while ago. Some green stuff and a bottle of super glue (happens to be Gorilla brand). I've got an Xacto set that I'll use as well and my brushes aren't pictured either.

For motivation purposes, I just thought people might be interested to know how little one actually needs to get started with modding Heroclix.

Oh, and the work in progress, the red figure laying on the Jenga block? Hopefully I will be revealing his altered state soonish!