Wednesday, 24 January 2018

SW:ED Project - Asajj Ventress and more clones

I first saw Asajj Ventress in some Clone Wars episodes. I wanted to get a Sith figure in and I thought she'd make a good addition, especially since she is often fighting against Ahsoka Tano, whom I have already modded a figure for.

Looking through my box of candidates, I came across a sculpt of Elektra.
Image from
I find this sculpt to be rather ugly. So many things just look so wrong with it. One thing that's good about it is that it is a good pose for someone holding a lightsaber or two!

Looking for images of the character, there are a number of different interpretations of what Ventress looks like. Of all the ones I scrolled through, I liked this one the best: Link to Asajj. I based the look and much of the colour scheme on this image. And the result:
Still debating how much I want to her face in the way of coloured lines.
One might notice that the base is black. That's because I broke down and bought a primer. How glad I am that I did. Paint goes on so much smoother and stays on better. I primed the bases with the models.

The Epic Duels deck I downloaded combines Ventress with a couple of battle droids. However, I'm not yet sure how I want to model battle droids with their skinny legs and arms, thus the posting of just the main character.

Bring in the clones

I also got the three other Punisher sculpts turned into clones. I'm not as happy with how the minigun-wielding one turned out, mainly because he was a little larger scale than the others, but it'll work for the table top and that's all I need!

Here they are:
Athos, Porthos, and Aramis
She's all like, "Seriously?"