I'd like to have a dedicated game table, though I am not yet sure about placement. What I am sure about is that I want to build one (they cost so darn much to buy!). The features I'm considering are a vault with leaves to cover/protect a game-in-progress, attachable trays for extra player space for writing or personal boards. I've seen cup-holders on some tables, but I'm thinking I'll stay away from that.
Last week, when less stuff had been unpacked, I pulled down the game Siege (aka: Weapons and Warriors) to play with the kids. It was an immediate hit, if only for the little catapults, cannon, and ballista that shoot little marbles. Hey, it was the main reason I bought the game in the first place. Sorry, no pictures, haven't found the camera yet.
I was also talking with one of our residents at the RV park. He loves to play Backgammon and I asked if he'd play me so I could learn how. I've often thought it would be a good game to know how to play.
Until more unpacking happens, I don't think I'll be seeing much time for games, and even less for making anything.
In the meantime, I wanted to post some more about my Pirates of the Spanish Main and Wooden Ships & Iron Men mash-up. Here is an image of the conversions for the ships in the collection I have.
While I didn't employ them this time, I have also noted adjustments based on each ship's special ability in PotSM that can be applied to further add variety when using the WS&IM rules. Looks like I missed doing the Spanish ships, but that's okay since the specials may be something I never use.