Saturday, 4 June 2016

The cheap and easy mini

As those familiar with my doings will know, I have been carving miniatures for use as game pieces. I have been focused on bi-planes for Wings of Glory and space ships for Full Thrust. I may have even mentioned, though not posted pictures for, the planes from Crimson Skies that I have been working on.

Another game I came across and have been wanting to try for a while is Pulp Alley.

I have been building an assortment of paper "minis". I do it with the promise to my eldest that we will one day play a game with them. I found this website* with all these different character sheets for anyone to use. So I took the ones I thought I might use, printed them and started mounting them (along with the Pulp Alley deck, free for download here) on unused Trivial Pursuit cards left over from thrifting multiple copies to build a board for Canvas Eagles**. I'll post something if I ever get it together enough to actually try the game.

My stuff and my wife's stuff battled it out for table space!

*This is the site:, currently giving me an error "509: bandwidth limit exceeded". Hopefully it's back up later.
** My Canvas Eagles board was a flop. I applied Mod Podge to try and seal the pages which were glued to the boards with Elmer's spray adhesive. The Mod Podge stayed tacky so that every time I unfolded a board it would stick together and I was in danger of ripping the prints. Finally they were stuck bad enough that they did rip and I threw it away (pretty sure I did anyway). A few weeks later, I was in Fabric Land with Jenni and they had felt on sale, so I bought some green. Haven't used it yet, but maybe soon.